Thursday 19 June 2014

Devil's Knot - Movie Review

An interesting story and good acting, strangely enough creates and unsatisfactory and un-engaging film.

The films slow and just boring attitude towards itself just removes any tension or intensity. It just doesn't know what it wants to be, one part thriller, one part documentary and one part court room drama. The problem is that it doesn't do any of these particularly well and it doesn't merge then into a cohesive whole.

One issue that often plagues films that are based on real events, is that the film looses its structure and pacing due to the fact that it has to somewhat stick to real events and timelines. This therefore has a cascading effect on the rest of the film, with these problems sapping the life out of the film.

Overall the film meanders through while trying to tell an interesting story, but the film just feels unsatisfactory due to its uninspired take on the real life events.

Rating: 5/10

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